Laser-Photo Stimulation in Regenerative Periodontology

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2022 IADR/APR General Session

The 100 th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR was held in conjunction with the 5th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Region. The virtual meeting was attended by individuals from around the world. Those attending the meeting could choose from among 207 Interactive Talk sessions, seven Focused Learning Sessions, three Hands-on Workshops, five satellite symposia, 52 Symposia, one Distinguished Lecture Series and a plenary. 

The recordings in this library from the meeting are a selection of the science that was to be presented as part of the General Session. These recordings give you the opportunity to participate in the meeting and hear from leading researchers. The recordings include the IADR Distinguished Lecture Series speaker and symposia from a collection of scientific groups and networks.

This session can be purchased as part of the full meeting recordings within the product bundles

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Session Description 
Regenerative dentistry is a branch of translational research which is energizing and empowering clinical practice. A multitude of novel approaches proposed during the recent years is slowly but dramatically transforming the health care system, harnessing the power of repairing, replacing, restoring, and regenerating human tissues affected by various degenerative disorders and diseases, which aims to provide a "biological alternative” to the replacement and regeneration of oral and dental tissues. Regenerative dentistry is based on the synergic use of biomimetic scaffolds, proper growth factors and neural-derived stem cells combined and integrated within the traditional surgical procedures: the future oral surgeons need to be trained on biological protocols to improve their expertise with the most recent concepts related to the biologically guided regenerative dentistry.

The purpose of the symposium "Laser-Photo Stimulation in Regenerative Periodontology" is to discuss the possibilities of "low-level laser therapy" to be applied as a "photoceutical" for the activation of stem cell-derived local growth factors, especially for the stimulation of angiogenesis and directly for the proliferation of local periodontal stem cells. In the symposium "Exosomes of Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells (NCSCs) as a Novel Approach to Stimulate Alveolar Bone Regeneration through Regulation of Osteogenesis and Angiogenesis" at the IADR Conference in London 2018 we discussed a novel approach to stimulate alveolar bone regeneration using exosomes of NCSCs.
Six years ago, the spectacular article by a group of researchers from Harvard University appeared in the highly respected scientific journal “Science Translational Medicine” under the title "Photoactivation of Endogenous Latent Transforming Growth Factor–β1 Directs Dental Stem Cell Differentiation for Regeneration" (Sci Transl Med. 2014 May 28; 6(238): 238ra69. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.3008234), which showed for the first time, that non-ionizing "low-level laser therapy" can be used as a minimally invasive method to activate an endogenous (in the periodontium) latent growth factor complex, growth factor β1, which in turn stimulates periodontal stem cells to differentiate periodontal tissue regeneration.

In our symposium, we will discuss the therapeutic use of "low-level laser (LLL)" in the context of autologous periodontal stem cells, especially periodontal stem cells (human periodontal-derived neural crest-derived stem cells; hpNCSCs) from periodontal tissue. We want to discuss the advantages of low-level laser therapy to be applied as a "photoceutical" for their mobilization under the influence of LLLT in this symposium.

Importantly, several adult progenitor and stem cell types have been described to be able to generate periodontal cells. Multipotent NCSCs can be easily raised from a variety of adult human oral tissues including palate and possess immunomodulatory capabilities affecting most immune cells. It turns out that the therapeutic benefit of NCSCs-administration is frequently connected to paracrine/endocrine effects rather than to effects driven by the engraftment of NCSCs into affected tissues and differentiation towards lost cell types. It became evident, however, that analogously to MSCs also NCSCs exert their therapeutic effects in a paracrine and systemic manner rather than by intercalating into sites of lesion. In this context, NCSC-derived EVs are considered to interact with the host’s immune system to mediate neuroprotection and immunomodulation. Related to their proposed paracrine mode of action, several pre-clinical reports provided evidence that NCSCs exert their therapeutic functions via extracellular vesicles (EVs), such as exosomes and microvesicles. In past, we successfully identified NC-derived stem cells (NCSCs) within different rodent and human tissues such as the periodontal ligament, palate, or nasal tissue (inferior turbinate). Main advantages of such adult NCSCs are their easy accessibility and high plasticity. In particular, we intend to deal with the potential of a combination of NCSCs or the respective EVs with Laser-Photo Stimulation in Regenerative Periodontology" in appropriate animal models and of clinical trials for periodontal regeneration.

The unique composition of the Symposium’s speakers will ensure that the expertise due to Laser Photo Stimulation and NC stem cell research will be ideally supplemented by the expertise due to large animal models, and clinical trials, and could generate unique scientific potential.

Learning Objectives
  • Changes in the attitude and approach of the learner to the solution of dental problems; corrections of outdated knowledge: Current ex vivo cell manipulations common to most regenerative approaches create a variety of technical and regulatory hurdles to their clinical translation, and even simpler approaches that use exogenous factors to differentiate tissue-resident stem cells carry significant off-target side effects.
  • Provision of new knowledge in specific areas: Outlines as a mechanistic basis for harnessing resident stem cells. Local stem cells with a light-activated endogenous cue for clinical regenerative applications. Assess the efficacy of the total NCSC secretome compared with the extracellular vesicle fraction on periodontal regeneration and demonstrate that both fractions affect different aspects of the regenerative process in vitro and in vivo.
  • Introduction to and/or mastery of specific skills and techniques: NCSCs represent an interesting adult stem cell source because they are recovered in large amounts in oral-facial tissues compared to other adult stem cell sources. Alteration in the habits of the learner; accurate educational objectives succinctly describe the education that will result from attending the course: To shift from promising preclinical results to therapeutic applications to humans.

Presentation Date
June 24, 2022

Wolf Grimm -  Secretome of Stem Cells and Laser-Photo Stimulation in Regenerative Periodontology as an Alternative to Stem Cell Transplantation
Oleh Andrukhov -  Crosstalk Between Dental MSCs and Immune Cells
Georgios Romanos - Thermal Effects in Periodontal and Peri-Implant Tissues Using Various Laser Wavelengths

Sponsoring Groups/Networks
Implantology Research, Periodontal Research

CE Credits
1.5 Hours

Financial Interest Disclosure:

Not eligible for individual purchase; must purchased as part of a meeting bundle.