Advancing Dental Fear Research: Conceptualizations, Assessments, and Future

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2023 IADR/LAR General Session with WCPD

The 2023 IADR/LAR General Session & Exhibition with WCPD provided dental, oral, and craniofacial health scientists with the opportunity to present, discuss, and critique their latest and most cutting-edge research at a 100% in-person gathering in Bogotá, Colombia. The meeting was attended by 1,667 individuals from 76 countries.     

The recordings in this library from the meeting are a selection of the science that was presented at the General Session. These recordings give you the opportunity to participate in the meeting and hear from leading researchers. The recordings include IADR Distinguished Lecture Series speakers and symposia from a collection of scientific groups and networks.

This session can be purchased as part of the full meeting recordings within the product bundles

The International Association for Dental Research is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at
Session Description
Fear and anxiety in dental homes may be as high as 43 percent among children and 16-20 percent in adults. In fact it is the second reason after cost that prohibits patients from seeking preventive, accessible and affordable dental care. Dentistry remains the only health care service that triggers fear/anxiety/phobia. Recognizing fearful patients in the dental home requires in-depth knowledge about the etiology of dental fear and anxiety assessment scales completion prior to dental treatment. Non- pharmacologic interventions and new innovative digital app based digital technology may be essential in desensitizing anxious dental patients and extracting them from the vicious cycle of fear and aversion to dental care including preventive care in the long term. Advancements in minimally invasive dentistry (MID) may be critical to the dental treatment planning to reduce fear in the dental home and decrease the burden of dental disease and reinforce preventive dentistry. The early onset of the vicious cycle of dental fear has long-term ramifications in terms of disease experience, treatment options, cost, and avoidance behavior by causing a deterioration in oral health leading to symptom-driven treatment from a linked chain feeding back into the fear experience.

Learning Objectives
  • Learn about dental fear in community and populations at risk: Etiology, Prevalence, Developmental Course, Symptom Profiles, and Implications
  • Gain understanding about dental anxiety scales and nonpharmacologic anxiety reduction programs for diagnosis, prevention and management
  • Update knowledge regarding existing digital technology and app-based programs for patient desensitization
Presentation Date
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Session Organizer/Chair
Suher Baker (Organizer/Chair)

  • Richard Heyman - Dental fear in the community, populations at risk and app based technology for patient desensitization
  • Keri Discepolo - Dental Anxiety Scales currently used in pediatric dentistry
  • Suher Baker - Non- pharmacologic interventions in reducing dental anxiety and the efficacy of Anxiety Reduction Programs (ARP’s)
  • Keri Discepolo - Minimally Invasive Dentistry (MID) for the management of anxious dental patients
Sponsoring Groups/Networks
Pediatric Oral Health Research

CE Credits
1.5 Hours

Financial Interest Disclosure:

Not eligible for individual purchase must purchase as part of a meeting bundle.