HEAD and Neck Cancer in South America and Europe: HEADSpAcE Consortium

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2023 IADR/LAR General Session with WCPD

The 2023 IADR/LAR General Session & Exhibition with WCPD provided dental, oral, and craniofacial health scientists with the opportunity to present, discuss, and critique their latest and most cutting-edge research at a 100% in-person gathering in Bogotá, Colombia. The meeting was attended by 1,667 individuals from 76 countries.     

The recordings in this library from the meeting are a selection of the science that was presented at the General Session. These recordings give you the opportunity to participate in the meeting and hear from leading researchers. The recordings include IADR Distinguished Lecture Series speakers and symposia from a collection of scientific groups and networks.

This session can be purchased as part of the full meeting recordings within the product bundles

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Session Description
HEAD and Neck Cancer in South America and Europe Translational Studies (HEADSpAcE), consortium funded by the EUHorizon2020 and coordinated by WHO-IARC aims to assess reasons for late-stage diagnosis of head and neck cancers (HNC). The consortium studies include:

1. New genotyping conducted and pooled with previously genotyped cases within the consortium provide the largest HNC genome-wide association study to-date (~16,000 cases / ~30,000 controls). Preliminary results confirm role of genes related to alcohol-metabolism and HLA-chromosome-6 related to HPV-infection. Novel genes also identified are undergoing further analyses.

2. 1000 oropharyngeal cancer cases from existing consortium studies were selected to assess the performance of routine HPV-biomarkers: p16-immunohistochemistry (IHC), HPV-DNA, HPV-serology, and to validate new HPV-assays: HPV16E6-ELISA and HPV-RNAish. Initial results show 30% overall HPV-positivity, with large variation between countries. HPV-serology, and combination of p16IHC and HPV-DNA genotyping had best sensitivity 0.98(0.95-0.99), specificity 0.85(0.76-0.91) for HPV-detection. The new HPV16E6-ELISA assay showed good correlation with the standard Luminex-assay and was independently validated in three centres.

3. An oral cancer early-detection intervention involved training dentists in diagnostic skills and public awareness through media/networks. Clinical records were analyzed. The program improved early-stage diagnosis from 27% to 40% by reducing professional delays.

4. Healthcare system factors in late-stage HNC diagnosis were investigated via a benchmarking cancer system survey across HEADSpAcE centres alongside in-depth qualitative interviews of multiple stakeholders/cancer-survivors in two-centre case-studies. Ongoing elucidation of system-level factors in late-stage diagnosis include centre-specific issues with access to primary-care and clear pathways between primary- and secondary-care services.

Learning Objectives
  • To have knowledge of the latest evidence in relation to the role of genetic factors and head and neck cancer risk and survival.
  • To have awareness of the current diagnostic and prognostic challenges of HPV associated oropharyngeal cancer.
  • To be familiar with the impact of an early detection program on delays in diagnosis of oral cancer and be familiar with the role of healthcare systems in late stage diagnosis.
Presentation Date
Friday, June 23, 2023

Session Organizer/Chair
David Conway (Organizer/Chair)
Sandra Perdomo (Chair)

  • Tom Dudding - Genome-wide association study of head and neck cancer risk and survival.
  • Sandra Perdomo - HPV associated oropharyngeal cancer: current diagnostic and prognostic challenges.
  • Silvia Lopez de Blanc - Delays in diagnosis of oral cancer following an early detection intervention program in Cordoba.
  • Grant Creaney - Late stage diagnosis of head and neck cancer - healthcare system analyses insights.
Sponsoring Groups/Networks
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research; Oral Medicine & Pathology

CE Credits
1.5 Hours

Financial Interest Disclosure:

Not eligible for individual purchase must purchase as part of a meeting bundle.