Webinar: Honing Your Research Presentation Skills and Scientific Communication

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In an exciting collaboration between AADOCR-NSRG and CADR-NSRG, we are thrilled to announce a new webinar series designed to enhance essential research skills for students. Join us for the first webinar in this series, featuring Drs. Laurent Bozec and Daniela Roth. This session offers an engaging trainee-focused discussion to improve your research oral presentation skills and your ability to effectively communicate your science to a general scientific audience. The webinar will include a detailed overview of key elements of an effective scientific presentation that can be tailored to your own research. Participants will engage in thoughtful discussion and dissemination of an oral research presentation in working groups

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learning essential research presentation skills
  2. Tailoring one's research to their audience
  3. Overview of elements that make an engaging, clear and concise oral presentation.
  4. How to format presentation slides effectively.


  • Laurent Bozec

    University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry

    Laurent Bozec DUT, BSc (Hons), PhD is a full professor in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto, holds cross-appointments in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology within the Temerty Faculty of Medicine and Sinai Health System Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada. Before joining the University of Toronto in 2018, he served as the Vice-Dean of Research at the University College London Eastman Dental Institute in the United Kingdom. As a biophysicist, Dr. Bozec collaborates with clinicians, including dentists, to explore collagen's structural and biomechanical properties at the nanoscale in both health and disease. His research focuses on connective tissue disorders and collagen engineering, primarily using atomic force microscopy (AFM) in his lab, The Matrix Functionalization and Phenotyping Lab (MFP-Lab or Bozec-lab).

    The MFP-Lab has gained unique expertise worldwide in studying the biophysics of connective tissue disorders and collagen engineering. They investigate various procedures, pathologies, and disorders related to collagen within dentin and enamel, including dental anomalies. For instance, Dr. Bozec aims to develop non-invasive approaches for diagnosing Molar Hypomineralisation. Additionally, his team explores interactions between oral microbiota and dental materials, which are crucial for enhancing the longevity and biocompatibility of dental restorations and implants.

    Beyond dentistry, Dr. Bozec has extensive experience in parchment-based research for Cultural Heritage applications. Currently, he is pioneering the field of conservation histology, translating proprietary approaches from his dental research portfolio to assist conservators worldwide.

    Dr. Bozec’s impact extends beyond research. He has supervised over 90 graduate students and collaborated with academics and industry partners on over 75 funded projects. He actively advocates for graduate students’ skill development and promotes fairness, transparency, and equity in funded research. Furthermore, he participates in several Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives at the University of Toronto.

  • Daniela Roth

    Oregon Health & Science University

    Daniela Roth recently defended her PhD in Medical Sciences from Daniel Graf's lab at the University of Alberta School of Dentistry in Canada. She completed her undergraduate studies in 2018, specializing in Physiology and Developmental Biology. During this time, she began her journey in research studying photoreceptor evolution in zebrafish. Daniela joined the Graf lab in the fall of 2018, uniting her fascination with pathology and developmental biology. Daniela’s PhD thesis focused on growth zones of the skull, using genetic mouse models to elucidate fine control of growth of the midface. Since joining the Department of Dentistry, Daniela has established and led several initiatives supporting student research in the field, as former President of the department’s Student Research group, editor for Eureka Undergraduate Science Journal, and 2022 co-chair of the 2022 Gordon Research Seminar on Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration. Daniela is now transitioning into a new postdoctoral role in Dr. Luiz Bertassoni's lab at Oregon Health and Sciences University in Portland, studying biomineralization in microfluidic organs on a chip.

  • Shawn Hallett

    7th year DDS/PhD Candidate, University of Michigan School of Dentistry

  • Maryam Zanjir

    4th year PhD Candidate, University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry

August 14, 2024
Wed 7:00 PM EDT

Duration 2H 0M

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